About Sheva Elliot
"I’ll never just shut up and sing.” So declares Sheva Elliot, the sonic-rock songstress born and raised in the music scene of LA. Over the past several years, Sheva has been on a journey back to her untethered self. She’s gotten sober, she’s re-claimed her Jewish heritage with all its inherent mysticism, and she’s written a hell of a lot of music.
While her background is blues-rock and soul, Sheva has recently ventured out into the ether, with a sound she likes to call “cosmic witch rock”. Think a lovechild of Janis Joplin, Aretha Franklin, Elton John, Patti Smith, and ancient high-priestess hymnals of the Nile Valley.
Sheva is not only exploring new sonics, but also new content. She’s grown tired of the unhealthy “hurt me and I’ll love you more” trope in blues and soul. Now, she’s doing her best to show up with more vulnerability and less apology. To her, that’s ultimate empowerment. She recognizes that to know and love oneself is to know and love others. In her mind, part of this love is protecting the only home we have, this one we call Earth. She’s heartbroken over the disconnection so many of us feel from each other and our natural world.
Sheva’s forthcoming single, "Land of the Free", (due out with a music video September 10th, 2021) speaks of this sorrow, along with the anger at the various injustices we’ve witnessed under our star-spangled banner.
Call her a lofty California-born idealist, but she dreams of a place more like this: oceans are not set aflame by Big Oil, therapy is more accessible than guns, and people can get an abortion if they want to, without permission from strangers in Congress. She also dreams of throwing a wild benefit concert with organizations for environmental justice and women's/bipoc/LGBTQ+ health. (Bonnie Raitt, have your people call Sheva’s people!)
Ultimately, Sheva feels the only way to heal our global home is to first recognize and heal the home we carry within. She’s excited to continue building, exploring, and sharing her spiritual abode, and all the music that comes from it. In doing so, she hopes that someone out there, also looking for a place to rest, will pick up the glint of their own reflection.
Current Working Location
(Available for some travel.)
Links to work
Work experience
Sheva's Skills
Art- Content Creator
- Graphic Design
- Artist
- Singer
- Club
- Artist
- Instrumentalist
- Performer
- Singer
- Studio Musician
- Co-Writer
- Lyricist
- Songwriter
Sheva's Genres
- Blues
- Folk
- Indie Rock
- Soul